Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Beautiful Girl-Part 1

To all the girls out there who woke up this morning and did not feel beautiful,  for all the girls who struggle everyday with self-worth, for the girls who go about their lives not feeling pretty or loved, for all of the girls who desire to feel cherished and confident, these next few posts are for you.

You are beautiful.  You are perfectly and wonderfully made.  You are BEAUTIFUL. You were created to be a strong and amazing woman. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! God knew you before you were even born.  He looked at you and He said, " is good."  He formed you with love.  Girl, you are perfect.  You are exactly the way He wanted you to be.  He has no desire to harm you, rather only to prosper you and do you good. 

True beauty is the beauty found in a pure, gentle heart.  You may have heard this verse over and over again, and it may be of little meaning to you, but I challenge you to read it very closely right now, and pray that the Holy Spirit would work in your heart as you allow it to impact your life.

1 Peter  3:2-4 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. 

Ladies, you were created to be strong women of God.  Read Proverbs 31b which describes what a woman of lovely character should be.  Also read what 1 Corinthians has to say about love, which is the greatest commandment.  Take some time for a "makeover."  Not a physical makeover, but a "spiritual makeover."  Girls, you are virtuous women of God.  Never let anyone, not even a man, tell you differently.  Learn to hold yourself in high honor so men will too.  Never let the devil tell you that you're not pretty enough.  Never allow him make you feel unworthy.

You are SO beautiful! Remind yourself every day by reading the words in Psalms and Proverbs.  Read about God's unfailing love for you.  He created you!  The master of beauty formed YOU.   

1 comment:

  1. I started a new blog for these posts titled, "Beautiful Girl." If you want to stay up to date on them, the link to the new blog is on my profile! (:
